Delivering Workplace
Mediation & Training
Across the Midlands.

Resolving conflicts & building unity in organisations across Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire & South Yorkshire.

Empower your organisation with expert conflict management, mediation, and training solutions for a harmonious and productive workplace.

Bringing Harmony
to the Workplace

Conflict cost the UK economy £28 billion per annum and 25% of the work force experience some form of conflict annually. It is estimated conflict costs an average of £4k per employee. Can you afford this?

Our services are designed to help you identify and manage conflict in your organisation and to quickly identify and deal with the reasons behind that conflict.

Using our services will save your organisation significant money by equipping your workforce to deal with conflict efficiently. Our mediation services will free up manager’s time and allow them to concentrate on the job you pay them for.

A Holistic Approach to Workplace Conflict

Underpinning our mediation services we also deliver a spread of courses designed to help you identify and manage conflict within your organisation. This will help you deal with conflict early potentially without the need for external mediation.

Our conflict coaching services help those experiencing conflict find clarity in their actions and help them manage the personal issues of conflict. All this can be helped with individual and team DISC profiling designed to help you get the most out of your staff and help them better understand themselves and how they react to conflict.

We are one of the very few providers delivering a range of conflict management courses, profiling, coaching and mediation all designed to make your organisation more productive, harmonious and great places to work.

Our Services

Active/Reflective Listening

Active/Reflective Listening

Our Active/Reflective Listening course enhances workplace communication and conflict resolution through attentive and empathetic listening.
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Conflict Coaching

Conflict Coaching

Conflict Coaching can be used in a range of circumstances including workplace, family, community and business conflicts.
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Conflict Management Courses

Conflict Management Courses

The course includes formal instruction on key terms and provides examples of conflict, its manifestations, and steps to manage it effectively for both individuals and the organisation.
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Conflict Mediation

Conflict Mediation

Conflict is a fact of life and often inevitable. While it can usually be resolved easily, sometimes it requires assistance beyond yourself, friends, or work managers.
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DISC Profiling

DISC Profiling

Our DISC Model coaching improves communication and team dynamics by categorising personality styles, helping you adapt your interactions for better management and connection.
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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Courses

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Courses

The course comprises formal teaching on what the terms above actually mean, as well as exposing course participants to examples of unconscious bias, stereotyping and assumptions.
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Unconscious Bias Training

Unconscious Bias Training

At Prospero, we offer courses on unconscious bias to improve your skills as a recruiter, manager, or supervisor.
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Our Clients
